“These tits are way more indie than you”

[ music | Liz Phair – Conversation Overheard Between Two Bouncers ]

What a way to start a post. A smashing headache, and a horrible pun. “Pun?” you say. Yes, a pun! You see, I am obviously speaking of Indie Tits, the web comic, not Liz Phair’s breasts (which are also fantastic). I’m a huge fan of Questionable Content, which is having another guest-artist week, so this is kind of a bad week to jump in, so skip back a few weeks to take a look. Anyway, J. Jacques also does Indie Tits, and maybe it’s the splitting headache with which I am currently afflicted, but it’s hilarious. Here are a few of my favorites:

I am now going to take four aspirin and lie down. That is all.