DHS, ICE protect citizens from… pirated Star Wars?

At a time when terrorists are blowing up bombs all over the planet, and the US is being invaded by millions of illegal immigrants, the Department of Homeland Security and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement is on the job protecting us from… pirated copies of Star Wars workprints. Yes, when our borders are more porous than […]

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Booth Babes!

A week ago, this story about AntiBoothBabes.com hit Slashdot about AgeTec boycotting boothbabes. It’s completely stupid. I commented thusly. But the broadly held suspicions that this was a stunt are true. Anyway, my opinions still hold true for boothbabes, bikini girls, et al. And so, I now bring you links to a multitude of E3 […]

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Attention children of the NES, this will warm your heart.

steeler_fan over in #bs tossed out this URL. It’s in-fucking-credible. I got chills and giggled like a schoolgirl. Speaking of girls, the chicks in this video are cute too. So, it’s great music, these kids can sing, and the choreopgraphy is great. It’s a trifecta, like a cold bucket of awesome was thrown in my […]

Continue.. Attention children of the NES, this will warm your heart.