Pushy Evangelicals, Gay Marriage, Condoms, and other prosaic topics.

I’m really getting tired of these pushy Evangelical Christians shoving their version of Christianity down the throats of Americans. Every day I hear about how Government needs to start taking moral stances against television, movies, music, culture, etc.; how we need to put prayer back in schools; how we need statues of the Ten Commandments in courthouses; basically how we need to put Christ in every nook and cranny of life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m Roman Catholic. I have nothing against Christ at all, but he never said I had to live my entire life in some specific pattern, and that fialing to do so would mean eternal damnation. I recall that accepting Christ and God was the requisite, and living in a generally moral way was all that was needed. No one said I have to go to a specific church, hold my hands up when I pray so everyone sees how holy I am, and mention Christ in every conversation. I go to my church, where I pray in a private manner without public demonstrations. I don’t need Hollywood or television networks watching out for my morality, or the morality of my children. That’s my job, not movie makers, TV producers, and certainly not the government’s job. When you mix Religion and Government, the result is always bad, which is why the Founding Fathers tried to keep them separate.

The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof;”…

This means that religion is not within the purview of government at all. No religion nor expression thereof shall be officially endorsed, provided for, nor prohibited. An example is that the government can neither establish a moment of prayer in schools, nor can it prohibit students from engaging in one of their own will. But this isn’t good enough for Evangelicals, no, they want to create a moment of prayer in chools. They say those who don’t want to participate don’t have to participate. While this is true, it’s that way already. Kids are welcome to say a prayer in school, and are equally free not to. I did when I was in school. I said grace before every lunch meal (ok, not EVERY lunch, but I tried), and I didn’t need the school to create a special time for me to do this.

Every religion has flaws, and every religion at one point or another infringes basic human rights of some group. These days, the most common groups are gays and those in need of abortions. My own Church says gays are immoral, and so is abortion, but I disagree. I see no moral reason why gay people should not be able to enter into a legally recognized, and legally protected relationship. Fine, don’t call it marriage. Frankly, marriage is fundamentally a religion issue and shouldn’t be legislated; all government should do is give civil unions, and leave marriages to the desired Church of the participants. Gay unions don’t have to be religious at all, so the Church should butt out. And abortion can be a medically necessary procedure, so any church not willing to take that into account in their stances against abortion is being inhumane. Personally, unless there’s a threat to the mother’s life, or it’s a case of rape or incest, I’m against abortion. There are millions of couple who would love to have a baby and can’t, and young babies are so easily adopted that it’s very hard to actually find one (there’s plenty of older kids though, so go adopt one, they need love too), so it’s a very viable option. But I’m never going to be pregnant, and I’m not so arrogant to think I can decide what’s best for half the population in a situation I’ll never face. That’s criminally egotistical.

Teen pregnancy is a crisis in small-town America and among poor socioeconomic groups. Evangelicals say preaching abstinence only is the way to go. Guess what? It doesn’t work. It didn’t work in the 40’s and 50’s, it didn’t work in the 1800’s, it didn’t work 500 years ago. Teens have sex, and we can’t stop them. Even in repressive societies there are kids who find ways to have sex. The only ways to cut down on teen pregnancy are education about birth control, or manditory contraception procedures, and the latter isn’t politically viable. It’s time these Evangelicals faced reality that the general population isn’t perfect, won’t be, and can’t be bullied into being so. Hell, even they aren’t perfect. I’ve known kids of Evengelicals who would up parents in high school, and we’ve all heard about the infidelity of high profile evangelicals.

Christ preached tolerance of reality and human faults, and also gave us a way to try to improve ourselves through Him. But He never said that anyone had the right to force those teachings on others. We must come to Him on our own, not at the tip of a spear, or through to government mandate. Anyone who preaches that way is in direct conflict with the Christ they claim to love. I think the Salvation Army and many Catholic missionaries get it right. They offer help to those in need, and they also offer the teachings of Christ, but you aren’t obligated to take either. If you need help, it’s there with no strings, and if you want Christ, they can help you there too. That’s true Christianity.


I agree 100%, can’t really think of anything else to say 😀

God created us but He did create us with free will. Any person is able to believe whatever they choose – they might go to Hell for it – but that is their belief.

I believe abortion is wrong. I don’t believe, as you do, that every abortion is wrong. Obviously there are legitimate reasons but God’s will must ultimately be served.

Also, homosexuality is a sin. It clearly states this in the Bible. If people feel that they are homosexual they have that freedom to make that choice. It’s an interesting thought about government not getting involved in marriage at all. You’re right, it is a religious act. People that founded this nation comingled religion and politics in some areas but then in other areas they did not.

In the area of sex. I believe that advocating abstinence should be the number one priority. I believe that one should save themselves for marriage (notice I did not say civil union). The Bible states that God is clearly against fornication (sex before marriage). I do not believe we should be handing out condoms in school and making a "morning after" pill.

I definitely agree with your last paragraph, Christ taught serventhood and tolerance. But He also taught to respectfully speak the truth of God’s word. He taught to love one another as yourself; not belittle people for their beleifs. He taught to not judge one another lest you be judged yourself. NO ONE is perfect except Christ and I believe that all Christians should strive to be like Christ (a never ending pursuit) but also be tolerant of others.

I believe God has layed it upon my heart to readdress my comments on abortion. Abortion is not birth control; period. I believe God’s will should utlimately be the pursuit of all people. If I were put in the position of having to ok an abortion to save my wife’s life I would have to pray for God’s mercy, wisdom and healing hand to intervene such that I would not have to make that decision b/c as a imperfect human being I am capable of making a bad decision.

I am an Atheist. I am against any religious involvement anywhere public. I am for abortion and for homosexual rights. However people are free to do whatever they want, whenever they want…… EXCEPT force it on other people. I admit it, I think believe in a sky daddy or mommy is ridiculous. But I am not the type of person to force other people to be intelligent. I just don’t want my or other people’s children to be influenced by something against their will.

Why are homosexuals hated so? If this ‘God’ created people in his own image, then is he not what the people are? How ironic.

Don’t you people believe something about life being sacred? Then why the Crusades? Then why do you prosecute and loathe those who live life to it’s fullest? How sad.

And, if life is sacred, then why no protest against destroying rainforests?

I have come up with a new term for all you religious people: Contradictionists!

Wow!!!Why is that every organizations or movement can could together except us Christians? Because most of us are conforming, punktified Christians who just use the Bible as a source to make us feel good, you cling to traditions and ideas that God never ordained. Mainly we conform to our own thinking. We factor God out of everything. But the earth is the Lords and the fullness therefore. What is the fullness? Everything for bugs, trees, people, fish, grass, that breath you just took, everything. We need to stand on all the principles of God. Doesn’t it amaze you that Jesus didn’t take side with the Pharisee’s nor the sinner? What does that mean? He was and continues to be a ruler, dominator, one who spoke and lived truth. Why? Becomes he loves us. God corrects those that he loves. We don’t want correction. We want to be liked, we want to accepted and for what? So we can compromise the Christ that lives in us? Oh, compromise is sometime that is should abnormal for Christians. Why should I compromise Christ’s view on the issue of marriage, welfare, global warming,taxes, sex, lying, stealing, capital punishment, etc…Why? To get along with everyone? For what..study will reveal to you that Christ wasn’t liked by most. Do you forget they hung him? But he know why he was sent and it wasn’t just to enter the earth to be liked. I don’t care you likes me or who doesn’t, I’m staying Godward in all my ways. There is a shifting in the atomsphere!! Now is the time for the saints of God to take over and not take sides!!!!!!!! Believe this God ain’t no joke, he’s real and remember he said "I will!" That was meat, eat it and must have the proper alingment to digest it.

Wow. It never surprizes me that Jesus was right about false doctrine and itching ears, however ,I truly pray for those who use the excuse that there isn’t a perfect church. That’s what the letters to the 7 churches addresses. There IS a perfect church and NO denomination is it…Paul explains how to belong to the ONE PERFECT CHURCH. By walking spiritually and not in the flesh. To not let worldly temptations overtake us. To live EVERY aspect of our lives by THE WORD OF GOD. It isn’t a "part-time job" as one of the commenters suggest. The so called atheist is probably closer to God’s salvation because of honesty and no hipocrisy. All that person needs is God’s calling and I pray for God to call them and that they ask for their heart to be changed. Agnostic is what I hope you consider yourself. An atheist will refuse God even if proven to them. An agnostic won’t believe until God is proven to them. With God all things are possible. I pray God helps me live every breath I take in His will.Though I am not perfect, He will correct me when I sin, so long as my heart is to truly change to obey and to worship Him. Jesus our Christ is our salvation for our repentance of what we do in ignorance. I pray for those who are led or self decieved into convienent doctrine. Not all who knock can enter. Jesus will tell many who blinded themselves with false doctrine " Go away I never knew you…" And these people will truly be confused "thinking" they led a christian life. The "atheist" I do not judge.We are commanded to not judge those outside the church. A professing christian we are to judge by the word of God, in order to help them see where they ere and the pure words of God as our only guide.And to pray for each other. God bless us all in His mercy and thank God for our only hope of salvation, our Lord Christ Jesus.

All I have to say is we will all eventually know in the end!
ya know what we should have done. And whether some issues were right and some issues were wrong. And not all Christians aren’t crazy psychos who like to speak out on every issue. Christians aren’t bad once you get to know them. Trust me! I’m one and I’m not going to rub Jesus in your face. If you don’t want to talk about him thats fine. But if your going to say something offensive about Jesus. You have another thing coming because I will defend his name until the day I die. If you don’t say anything about Jesus I won’t say anything about the person or gods you worship.

Addam Roberson I’d like to ask you to quote that text that says that fortification is clearly stated to be wrong. I’ve been looking for that text for the past 3 days.

Addam… sex before marraige IS a sin…. to CHRISTIANS, but public schools are just that, PUBLIC. the general population is not subject to the rules of a religion the don’t subscribe to. That is why abstinance should be taught by christian parents to their own children, and condoms should be provided for the general public.

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