Aaron Brown and CNN part ways

[ music | Joan Jett – Victim Of Circumstance ]

Well, CNN did it, they let go the classiest and most interesting anchor they had. As if giving Wolf Blitzer three solid hours every day wasn’t bad enough, they’ve let Aaron Brown go from the network. I liked him almost instantly from the morning of September 11, 2001, when he was on the roof of CNN’s New York offices covering the horrors of that day. And I liked his NewsNight show ever since. No longer. If he shows up on another news network, I just might find myself watching a lot less CNN.

Aaron Brown

Update: Ok, Anderson Cooper, who now has Aaron’s timeslot, just finished his first hour in that timeslot with a 4 minute piece on Aaron’s background, his time at CNN, how they worked together at ABC and then CNN, and thanked him in a very generous and sincere manner. Not a ten second blurb or something thrown together, but a 4 minute segment with old footage and such that actually took time and energy to do. CNN is was damn lucky to have Aaron, and I’m telling you, they’re damn lucky to have Anderson Cooper. They dismissed Aaron in a very tactless manner, but Anderson Cooper just showed the world that some people at CNN still have class. Bravo, Anderson, bravo.


I agree totally regarding CNN’s big mistake of letting Aaron Brown go from the network. He and also Lou Dobbs were/are the best anchors that CNN had/has. It’s also ridiculous to give one anchor 3 hours of coverage where most of the time the "news" is repeated along with the same video several times. Unfortunately, CNN is adding to the "dumbing down" of the news. Hopefully Aaron Brown will land a position with another network after a break. I will definitely tune in as I did every night for News Night for informative and intelligient discussions and reporting of the news.

I am not a fan. I will never forgive him for golfing through the Challenger disaster. Whatever the reason was, it must have been BIG for CNN to can his behind. And no one else is jumping up and down to hire him.

He is pompous, boring and unemployed. Game shows? Perfect. He has that creepy personality.

where the hack is Aaron? he was the best thing to a BBC anchor that CCC could ever wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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