
I desperately need to get back to art. Technology is fun, and is a fantastic tool, but I’m just not happy with only that anymore. The IT industry isn’t a pioneering one anymore, it’s mature, and is more business and less exploring new frontiers. That’s ok, it had to happen eventually. But my real passion has always been more artistic than anything else. I want to die not looking back at decades of regret, and it has to start here. And there’s another thing I have to do, as terrifying as it is, or I’ll be miserable forever. I just hope I still have a chance…


Have you thought about applying at a few places around your area to do graphic design? You are pretty good, and while it isn’t completely absent from IT, it /is/ art. I have found that fields that concentrate on IT only are a lot rarer than many people think, and that is one of the big reasons why I am trying to steer myself towards graduating with a knowledge of something that is involving IT but isn’t directly related to it.

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