MozNews Redux

[ music | Simple Minds – Don’t You Forget About Me ]

Well, it’s been two and a half years, and maybe that’s long enough. The Mozillaverse is livelier than it has ever been, with more and more happening every day. More exciting applications based on the technologies, new companies being founded, exciting opportunities all around. And in this age of blogs and podcasts and vlogs and feeds, apparently the world needs another voice. Well, MozillaNews is that voice. However, there’s a problem! We need writers and content creators. I don’t regret the 4 years I spent being MozillaNews’ primary content creator, but boy, there’s so much today I can’t possibly do it all.

We’re going to use a new CMS rather than our old custom-built CMS, and while we’ll import our old articles, we’re going to need new fresh content. So I’m putting out a call across all the Internets, through all the tubes, if you want to be a world famous blogger with the adoration of millions, email me at and we’ll talk.
