Meandering thoughts, linkage…

Why is it that all good things must come to an end? Just when the saga was really getting interesting (a bloodless but very sudden and intriguing change in power, reshaping of the landscape, and vivid characters), it has now rather suddenly ended. The plot had even gone under a radical shift, which did somewhat signal the end was near, but the protagonist was interesting enough in her views to keep readers coming back. I shall miss this latest web-opera…

I’m glad that the long musical drought in which we were subjected to years of horrid bubblegum pop with not one, but THREE crappy boy-bands (does no one remember the last intense flameout that was NKOTB?), and one half-dressed, no talent, blonde teeny-bopper for each of the big 5 music companies, is starting to see the first good rain. Artists like Avril Lavigne (who is quite impressive for being so young, thank god she didn’t let them bleach her hair and make her do porn-esque “dance” moves with 15 boys behind her mimicing ever move on a 15 foot tall plastic/metal monstrosity on some soundstage), Gorillaz, Thicke, etc. Now all we have to do is find a way to ship Britney Spears on an expedition to the core fo the sun, and life will be tolerable with the radio on.

Tumult in the Mozilla world. Mozilla 1.2 has a nasty flaw, not discovered until after it went gold, necessitating a 1.2.1 milestone. Phoenix Technologies asked The Phoenix Project to rename Phoenix to something else, To Be Announced. And the trunk is kinda wonky right now… Well, over at, we opened the ever expanding Mods section. New Mozilla splashes, games, resources and links, and soon themes and icon sets, and whatever else makes it in there. Stop by if you run The Lizard…